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03 7044 1917


552 Victoria Street, North Melbourne 3051

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Community Access and Self Care Services

The focus of this support is to promote independance and improve everyday life skills. Community Access and Self Care can be almost anything you want it to be. CommunityAccess and Self Care is a one to one service that helps you with everyday life skills and tasks that will build your independence. Our Community Access and Self Care team can work with you in a number of different ways, depending on your specific needs. This may include: Community participation, like supporting you to attend appointments, support with grocery shopping, or access social activities of your choice Self-care, including learning skills in your home like cleaning and cooking Capacity building, including travel training, parenting training and budgeting support In-home support when your usual support network is unavailable If there is an activity you would like to join but haven’t yet been able to, Achieve can tailor a program to your exact needs and likes with one-to-one support.