03 7044 1917
552 Victoria Street, North Melbourne 3051
We know that participants and their families do face the need for emergency support needs from time to time. This respite is set up for short notice and crisis respite needs. We have a ready-to-go set-up that we put in place with a team of skilled workers to support a variety of needs. We have experience in delivering this support to participants with varying support needs.The team will have a manager allocated to oversee all aspects of the placement and usually a team of upto 6-10 staff depending on the size of the roster required i.e 1:1 or 2:1supports. Our management team works on a 24hr support structure to respond to any issues that may arise. During the referral process, it’s usually very helpful to recieve information about routines,medications and any support plans. This helps us to ask the important questions and brief our staff who will be supporting the participant.