Contact Us

03 7044 1917


552 Victoria Street, North Melbourne 3051

Online Enquiry

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Achieve operates SIL houses across Melbourne, we pride ourselves in our inclusive onboarding process which puts the participant at the centre. Our process includes a detailed planning process and also a meticulous transtion which is collaborated by the care team. This service is designed through extensive planning with the participant, family, behaviour practitioners, and Occupational therapists as well as other allied health. We ensure that participants have an opportunity to meet prospective housemates beforehand to ensure appropriate tenant matching before moving in. We meticulously plan transitions, with every stage thought through and all risks considered and managed. Participants choose their own decor for their room and contribute in choosing the design of shared spaces. 

We are currently working with reputable SDA builders who have vacancies in non-green-field areas, which are highly desirable. Once we receive your enquiry we set up a meeting with you and the SDA builder to explore your needs and the available and upcoming vacancies. 

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